What are you Doing?!?

Shouldn't you be working right now?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hello Dah-links

I haven't written in like 5 months, it's like i've been re-virgin-ized in the whole writing process. I'm a born again virgin. Yeah, I never bought that crap either.....did you have someone come to your school when you were a teenager and talk about the perils of teenage sex, and then clim they were a born again virgin? I did, and even in my as yet unjaded teenage years, I didn't fall for it. sounds to me like you were a raging slut and needed to justify it to yourself lady. but what do I know?

So a lot has happened since I last wrote. A lot of it was just normal life stuff, and honestly I was too tired, like mentally (who knew I was capable of such things?) to write every day. There were days I had a hard time brushing my teeth, so writing was out of the question.

On the good news front, I finally, after a 150 year wait, got my hurty finger fixed! I have a hurty finger no more, and I have literally not taken pain killers ONCE since the post-surgical pain wore off. For the first time in my adult life. I'll include a pic below, but be warned, it ain't pretty. Whats funny about the surgery - I figured since it was such a small thing, doctors kept telling me that it wasn't a big deal (don't you feel like punching people in the nads when they tell you pain isn't real?).....I figured I'd have the surgery in the morning, and be playing piano that afternoon. No so. The surgery kicked my ass, it was nuts. The morphine may have had a part to play in my ass kicking. I got on a plane to Ottawa the night of my surgery (smart move), and my awesome fella picked me up at the airport, and apparently all I did for the rest of the evening was cry and mumble "morphine". What a delight i must have been to be around. Good news is, I don't remember any of it, so I'm just pretending it wasn't me.

I'm back in school. That's all I have to say about that.

I'm going through some stuff right now. I haven't decided if I'm going to talk about it here or not, but I don't want to talk about it today. Suffice it to say, I've had some terrible things happen, and I'm coping. Well. I'm trying.

It's good to see you all again.

The Help

1 comment:

  1. :) good to see you posting again... looking forward to reading your posts. they always make me smile! :)
