What are you Doing?!?

Shouldn't you be working right now?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am the best girlfriend ever

You know why? Not for expensive gifts or daring public proclimations. Let me tell you why; today, even though I FRIGGING HATE IT, I did the dishes. That right there, is love.

Someone just set off a bunch of fireworks outside my apartment building. I mean, jeeze, what a show off. Maybe their song is that Katy Perry one where her boobs shoot out sparklers. Or when they are Hershey's kisses, or something equally strange that makes her boobs into not boobs. It's hard to keep track.

So the whole school thing. This is gonna be my last discussion on the failed course....thing is, I was taking the fail personally. Yes, it's a shitty, shitty bump in the road that does affect my life. But it doesn't need to ruin it.  The battle is lost, but I'm gonna OWN the war.

My darling's dad dying, that's big drops. A failed course is a small drop in the bucket. So I'm checking my ego, and getting the frak over it. I've been sleeping better since I've decided to get over it.

Next week, for the first time, The Help is going to Yellowknife. I know it seems weird to be going sideways instead of down for my brief vacation time, but I couldn't be more excited. Shoppers drug mart is in sight. As are dear friends, walmart, TREES, and I'm really hoping a good deli.

My last word for today - you don't need to be in a relationship for an awesome Valentine's day. Check out designer shoe warehouse. (heh, you thought I was gonna say something about masturbation, didn't you?)

The Help

1 comment:

  1. Or when they are Hershey's kisses, get boyfriend back or something equally strange that makes her boobs into not boobs. It's hard to keep track.
